Saturday, May 23, 2009

Terminator Salvation!

Ok, so I have been waiting for a new Terminator film for the past 18 years of my life since the last one Terminator 2 came out in 1991. Note that I said Terminator 2 was the last one, not fucking Terminator 3 from back in 2003. Terminator 3 was a shit storm of an action movie that just didn't work. I couldn't connect to it or care about any of the characters. Terminator 3 left me speechless in the sense that now the franchise was going down and no hope of light at the end of the tunnel. I hated what the third film stood for which was sucking the tit from James Cameron's masterful creation. That movie just didn't work and it wasn't as deep as any of the films that had come before it and it just left me with a bad taste in my mouth. Now the news of the director of the Charlie's Angels movies was at the helm to direct the next Terminator film? I cried that this film was going to suck balls. Then I heard that my all-time favorite actor Christian Bale had signed on to play John Connor. Hook line and sinker, I was going to see this film no matter what. That was about a year and half ago. Which brings us to now! 
The trailers for this film got better and better. It showed that this had potential to be awesome. I got the see the film after much debacles and mix-ups, but I finally got to see it at a packed 10pm screening on Thursday night! Needless to say...I DUG IT ALOT! I thought that this film was spot on the action sequences. This one definitely has more action than T3, but T3's action set pieces seemed very forced and were terribly edited. Terminator Salvation's set pieces seemed to fit together in more of the grand scheme of the way the action fit into the first two films. Is it any better or as good as the first two? Not by a mile unfortunately. But that is not to say that this is a bad film by any stretch. Far from the turd that was T3.  
The basic premise of this film follows John Connor's search for Kyle Reese (true fans will know their relationship) and his rise in the resistance to attaining that symbol of hope for the future as was told in the last 3 films, while we also follow a death-row inmate named Marcus Wright, who was put to death in 2003 and wakes up in the post apocalyptic world. The plot of the film had more meat on the bones than did T3. T3 was just a rehash of T2 in every respect. Salvation feels like it's own thing now. It feels as if it is paying respect to the original films and it is merely trying to build upon those moments in the future that were only glimpses at. This is it's own animal. They are not trying to outdo Cameron, simply pay tribute to his films. The acting this ok. There are Three stand-outs from the film. Christian Bale as John Connor was awesome, but he was kind of one note. It seemed as if he played the role a bit too badass and rough. With that said, he was an awesome John Connor. He does not feel as weak as the previous ones and does a very suitable job with the role. This is the future and hard-edged John Connor and Bale pulls it off. But he wasn't my favorite role in the film. This is turning into Anton Yelchin's breakout summer with this and Star Trek. As he did in Star Trek, he nails a role that was loved by many and does an awesome job and gives a very loving and respectful portrayal of Michael Biehn's role in T1. You feel for this character as he is trying to survive and how he came to become who he was in the first Terminator.  
The real standout in this film and I guarantee he will be the next big thing is Sam Worthington! He fucking does a fantastic job with the role of Marcus Wright! I loved his character and the angle they decided to play it off with in the mid-point of the film. Marcus was the one character I connected to and just wanted to see more of and he steals this picture from Christian, and that is a tough act to pull as a newcomer. So kudos to Sam! He's got this, James Cameron's AVATAR (2009) due out in Christmas!, and the remake of Clash of the Titans coming out, it is no doubt that he will be the next big thing and all I can say is bring it on Sam!  
In terms of the directing, McG does a surprising job with the film. It is clearly lacking in the direction at times and it feels as if he could have helped tone his actors a bit more in some scenes, but he did a much better job with the film than Jonathan Mostow did with the last film as you can smell it from a mile that McG can handle himself with this material better and I am glad that he can, cause he made one badass of a Terminator Flick.  
Overall, this film was an awesome ride. This is on it's way to being one of my favorite films of the summer. It was badass! It was everything it needed to be to breath some life into this series that was flatlining after Terminator 3. Terminator 3 nearly killed the franchise, and this film Salvaged it. While the ending was a bit of a stretch, and seemed a bit off, I took it. This is the Terminator film that I wanted with Terminator 3, but it is not perfect. This film has a couple of flaws to it in terms of some of the acting and the script, but it was a thrill-ride and I had a shitton of fun with it! I'd give this one a HIGH FULL PRICE! Definitely a worthy entry into the franchise! This film is clearly made by people who love the Terminator Mythos and get it. Lots of references for the die-hard fans that will just eat this film up! I love the direction this series is heading with this arc. Fun time at the movies and killer summer action flick!

Till next time, Heres my 2 cents! Enjoy the flick and have a great memorial day weekend!

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