Wednesday, July 31, 2013

2 Years, 2 Jobs, and 2 Apartments Later...

It's amazing how most fail to keep up with their blogs. Even I have fallen in that trap. Blogs have become this generation's journal entries. Posting about the mundane, but in this case: Film Reviews. No matter what, I have returned. While I will be writing the occasional film review, I am back to hone a craft my skills at writing as I feel my skills have plummeted since. But writing is like gym training in my experience. You can't just pick up that heavy weight you could lift years ago without pulling a muscle. What I will say is that, I am writing a number of projects and in development with several stories I am contemplating publishing here.

It's been good to dust off the ol' blog again. I'm excited to get back into the flow of writing and share some stories.

Till next time, watch em if ya got em! I got to get back to work!