In honor of District 9's opening, I decided to compile a list of my favorite Cinematic Aliens. While this is not the end all of cinematic Aliens, these are my personal favorites. My list is comprised entirely depending on the creature and not really the films they were in. So with that said. Here's my list. (Note The Prawns from District 9 would have definitely made the list, but I am excluding them just for the sake of this list)
5. The Independence Day Alien
While these creatures were presented a bit one-dimensional in the film Independence Day (1996) ya can't help but feel that this creature was at least cool to look at. It definitely does look intimidating and they were certainly awesome to look at in the film. But this creature does seem pretty cool to me.
While the first film may have been interesting and the second film was a load of crap, This creature definitely brought something to the table in sci-fi. This creature was also another great creation from the mind of H.R. Giger. I think he did a great job in bringing a creature that was both elegant in design. The creature also had a understandable motive. It wanted to mate with us Humans. That's not entirely too much of a plan for a human invasion, but if all aliens looked like Natasha Henstridge, then it'd be more than possible for it to happen. Overall, an awesome design from the demented and brilliant mind that is H.R. Giger.
This creature is shapeless and can be you. What a fantastic creature this was. The film is just dripping with uncertaintly and the conclusion even leaves you with the feeling that you just dunno who to trust, much less yourself. Overall, fantastically demented creature and some spine chilling transformations definitely put this guy at a high place in my list. For those who still haven't seen Carpenter's classic remake, go watch it now!
This creature is a silent hunter that hunts only for the game. He doesn't want to destroy the world, he just wants to find the deadliest catch and hang it's skull on it's trophy wall. He also uses some of the most unique weaponry in an alien universe and they all have some pretty nasty results! This creature also has friggin mandibles and a kickass mask. I don't think I can make myself any clearer on why this creature is fantastic.
"if it bleeds, we can kill it"
1. The Alien from the Alien Franchise
This creature is just so damn awesome. Another product from the dementedly brilliant mind of H.R. Giger! Who else can come up with a creature that bleeds acid; has a pretty awesome tail; has teeth on it's tongue; can crawl on walls; and has one of the greatest and nastiest births in all movie history: They have to burst out of your chest after impregnating you with a face hugger. They also love dark and claustrophobic spaces and are terrifying because they have no sense of motivation, they just want to reproduce until they are swarming the locale. Overall, a fantastic creature that is just gettin raped by 20th Century Fox. 2 great films turn into 4 horribly bad films. Hopfully Ridley Scott can redeem this creature with the upcoming prequel. Alien you are my #1 man!
Now I know I am goin to get flack for not including
Klatu from Day the Earth Stood Still, the Martians from Mars Attacks, or even the Roaches from Starship Troopers. Klatu was a great character, but he is not one of my favorites. I don't really like the Martians because they were meant as a way to parody aliens and it wasn't trying to tell an interesting story. The Roaches from Starship Troopers aren't really aliens, they are just killer roaches essentially. E.T. is a worthwhile mention that didn't make the list, but I do very much love the creature!
So there's my list!
Whats your top 5 favorite cinematic aliens?
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