Oh man. None of you folks out there realize the surprise your in for when you check out Niell Blomkamp. When I first saw the trailer for this film, I thought "This is Peter Jackson and Niell Blomkamp's replacement for the HALO film falling apart." This is essentially what this is, but it is something that is in every sense different and stronger because of it. First off, Nobody is prepared for this film. This film completely wasn't what I was expecting and it was better than I could have thought it was going to be. This film is one deep and intelligent science fiction film. I have heard that this film is being touted as one of those films that will stand the test of time and is going to be that one film that will be compared to along the lines of such sci-fi classics as John Carpenter's The Thing and James Cameron's Aliens. After seeing the picture, does it stand up? Does it live up to the small online hype it has had? I'd say it trumps that expectation and Neil Blomkamp delivers a film that says "Halo, hold on! I'm Still watching District 9 here!" Does it stand to be the sci-fi classic that it deserves to be? Only Time will tell.
The Plot of the film is very original. You have not seen a an alien invasion story treated in this particular fashion. I can't say too much about this film without spoiling it. The trailers and TV spots tell you nothing about the conflict of the film whatsoever, but that is why this film is so effective. The film takes a slow-burn approach to the opening acts of the film. The film opens up and it plants images in your head that resemble what the Africans have been dealing with for decades with the apartheid. The film utterly shocks you into thinking that nothing really has changed and that it is basically what we humans have been dealing with and not even an alien invasion will change what we all are still struggling with in today's world. At it's core, the film is about putting aside our differences and coming together. While without giving too many spoilers to the film, the film clearly is made by an intelligent filmmaker in Niell Bloomkemp. Much of the credit of this film has to go to Neill for creating such an original story-line and experience with this film that it doesn't really feel like a wash of everything that had been done before. You have not seen aliens of this type. These aliens are essentially like "us" if we landed and were stranded on a far-away planet. There are so many brilliantly presented allegories to some of our current world problem that this film nails and doesn't beat you over the head with. You can clearly tell Bloomkemp's heart and soul went into this screenplay as he presents all the allegories with such an originality that you just can't take your eyes off the screen. I felt I wasn't being preached about those aspects and this film is at a it's heart a thinking film, but it does deliver on the action sequences with some inventive weaponry and a satisfying story arc for the lead protagonists of the picture. The best part about this movie is that the big twist isn't given away in any of the trailers and that works to the film's advantage because you have no idea what you are in for. If I was to sum this picture up: i'd say it's Starship Troopers, Cloverfield, and City of God kinda rolled up into one in a interesting style.
The cinematography of the picture is a hybrid of both documentary style and a traditional editing style as well. But the Documentary style works in conjunction with the rest of the picture and it doesn't feel out of place. The creature effects in the film were great! I was surprised that this was a relatively low-budget picture and the quality from the special effects that they managed to get out of the picture was just above par and it delivered a visceral experience. This film is definitely an R-Rated film and there is a lot of gore in the picture without it being too much or distracting. It is necessary to the story and it needs to be there to show the raw brutality of this universe. The ending of the picture leaves so many possibilities and is the perfect ending to this picture.
While this film definitely impressed me, avoided many of the potholes of the genre and exceeded my expectation, it isn't going to be a film for everyone. Like Cloverfield before it, it will have some people that won't get it and won't go along with the gimmick. That's what makes this film so special is that it is for all intents and purposes a studio film, but isn't. It is much smarter and deeper than that.
Overall, this is definitely another one of the biggest surprises of the summer. It does show that Neill Bloomkemp has the ability to make a film on a epic scale, with a smaller budget and deliver an extraordinary and original cinematic experience. This film is definitely a FULL-PRICE! I can't recommend this one enough! A film to remember and can stand a chance to be a classic. We have to thank Peter Jackson for giving Neill the chance to shine with this modern sci-fi classic!
Take care Guys!!!
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