Well this series has gone on for four movies, each with a different gimmick, but this one has one thing going for it: Three Dimesions. While I did enjoy this film, this film is more enjoyed the way it was intended on the big screen and with the 3D glasses. On the positive side, this film has the gore factor going for it. The Writer and the Director of the second film and the most entertaining of the bunch, come back for another crack at making the audience squirm at the over-the-top kills, but now they will be ducking for cover. The film works as the mindless summer horror film that it sets out to be. This film does not try to build upon anything that the last couple of films did. It is just there to have kids get killed in over the top ways.
The plot of this film is more or less standard for a Final Destination film. Kid experiences accident and then he stops it, only to delay his ultimate demise. It is just a film that is more or less a wash of the previous 3, only different and some very creative kills. The thing that this film has going for it is the 3D! The 3D is very in line with what Friday the 13th in 3D did for the 80's and what My Bloody Valentine did earlier in the year. It is a fun and great time at the movies. The 3D adds so much to the film and it gives that extra kick to the film.
While the best thing that this film has going for it is the 3D, if that was taken away, this film pretty much doesn't hold up. It is better than the last final destination film, but its got nothing new to offer except for the 3D. The biggest flaw is that this film is dependent on the 3D to have a great time in the movie. The acting is mediocre to terrible. the characters are only there to die, and nothing else. The plot is a wash of the last film. There's nothing else to offer here. The intention was to provide a good time at the movies and deliver a visceral 3D experience, and this film does it.
Overall, the kills were cool and there is a twist at the last act that does make this one stand out over the last film that makes this film fun as hell in 3D. Overall this film is a RENTAL. I did enjoy it, but without the 3D it loses a lot of the thing that made this film so fun. I don't think another film is warranted, but I wouldn't mind seeing another one. See it the way it was intended: 3D, in a theatre, and with some buddies!
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