Sunday, November 15, 2009

Boondock Saints II REVIEW!

Troy Duffy is one of those directors with a really bad rap in the filmmaking community. With all of the negative word of mouth behind him, he is back. He is back with the first film since his cult hit Boondock Saints. Now it leads us to now.

This film is beat for beat the same film as the first. While the film's scale has certainly expanded since the last film, the storypoints are almost all the same. Clifton Colins Jr. is a wasted talent in this film and he plays one of the biggest hispanic cliches in a movie in a long while. He serves no real purpose than to try and fill in the shoes of a character that died at the end of the last film, without the audience liking him. The actors from the last film are all fine. The brothers still kick ass and they are as strong as ever. Julie Benz is miscast and Judd Nelson is wasted a bit too. Every new actor is either playing a tired or offensive cliche.

With all of this said, I wasn't bored by the film. I had fun with it in a lot of parts. I thought it was more or less the same film as the last one. It didn't expand on any of the thematics brought upon in the first film. The weakest point of this film is in the script. It is the same film, but it was still fun. The brothers are back, but I can't help but feel as if the novelty of the first film has kind of rubbed off. There are some great set pieces to the film, but the story feels very lackluster at points and a retelling of part 1. This is a movie made for the hardcore Boondock fans. It was't as bad as it could have been. So, I'd give it a RENTAL. It was fun seeing the brothers back for another go!

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