Before seeing this film, This trailers gave off the impression that this was going to be a film that was very much in the same vein as the classic horror film The Omen. It also seemed to me like a film that was destined to let me have a great first half only to deliver a lackluster 90's style plot twist that negates the whole point of the first two acts. I went into this with an open mind and I decided to give this movie a shot. To which, I can safely say I am glad I did.
Ok this film completely surprised the hell out of me. Without giving away any spoilers of the film, this film established within the opening that even though they are treading the old and cliche' plot device that seemingly is taken straight out of a film such as The Omen, this film is going to present a different angle to the whole kid killer story. This film knows what it is, and it knows what it wants to be. It is also aware of the fact that this is a child murderer movie and it uses that knowledge to it's advantage. You can tell that the filmmakers all saw films such as The Omen in which the antagonist is a child and is seemingly in control of the situation. It knows that audiences out there have seen films such as The Omen or The Good Son. Whenever the film seems to be heading into cliche' territory it redeems itself in surprising ways. What this film does so effectively and brilliantly is play on the fact that this is a kid killer story and they use that to it's advantage. As I was watching the film, I got more and more tense especially in the first acts where you realize that kids are both in danger and committing the crimes. These filmmakers are aware of the fact that children doing these heinous and evil things is much more disturbing to an audience than if an adult was doing it. The filmmakers understand that the best angle to get through and convey these intense feelings of terror and suspense to the audience is to put the kids in dangerous and believable situations. This film nails it!
The opening act of the film is rather predictable to say the least, but after an OK first act, it redeems itself and quickly gets into full swing. This film is the type that as the plot keeps progressing, it gets better! In the second half of the film it becomes an engaging mystery. Not in the same vein as a film like The Omen which relies heavily on fantasy biblical elements or how The Good Son revolved around an inexplainable killer mentality, the plot in this film is very believable. It doesn't feel like a cheat when you get to the last act of the picture. They also have moments that nearly parody those classic Kid killer movies with the characters having some beats that are taken from those film, but twisting them in a way you haven't seen before.
What this film also does effectively is create characters that are dimensional. These characters are all flawed in some way and they are all using each other to get that sense of happiness, but that becomes their downfall. The Characters of Kate and Peter Coleman have some dimensionality to them that shows they are flawed, but they are trying their best to keep the family together despite the situations that come about. They don't seem like the typical parental figure that doesn't see their flaws in the family, but you can't help but understand why they are in the situation they are and what is going through their heads. With that said, I was kind of let down by their logic for wanting to adopt. It seems a bit easy, but it went away quickly and it's a very small complaint. This film gets you to care for the characters more than your typical suspense thriller. That's what makes Kate's character so good in that you understand she is right in her understanding what is going on around her and putting the pieces together, but she's in a real deep hole that is tough to climb out of with those around her. You can't help applaud when she tries to not let her family become next in line to this child antagonist.
The standout in this film without a doubt is Isabelle Fuhrman as Esther. She gives about as creepy a performance as you can get in these child murderer story. At the beginning of the film, she does something that the audience kind of isn't expecting...she actually wins us over, but you still get the hint that there's something not totally right about this one. The opening act of the film show that she can be a lovable child and that you don't really see a logical progression as to why this child goes on to do what she does. She is also not the typical child murderer who kills simply because of the fact she enjoys killing. You get the impression that she is doing it on a "Either-it's-me-and-you" basis and definitely chooses the latter. Her progression in the film doesn't seem like a cheat and as she tears the family apart and you see how manipulative she can get, you sense that she's in full-control of the situation. That creates an effective villain and by the end of the third act, she has you in her grim and all bets are off by that point in the film. That is a true sign of an effectively scary and unpredictable character.
Onto the flaws of the film. While I did enjoy this film, this film maybe too much for audiences to take. Because it is so tense and you understand that children's lives are at risk, it almost becomes too much to a point. While I thought this worked to the film's advantage and it certainly had an impact on myself, I would say that there's still that audience that is uncomfortable with seeing children in danger this way. But that's merely a case of knowing what your in for and to go along with it.
Overall, I thought this film was a big surprise! I wasn't expecting this film at all. It's definitely an entertaining one and effective thriller at that. It didn't leave me feeling betrayed and it kept the intensity all throughout. The film has some creepy and uncomfortable moments that are played brilliantly with the knowledge that this film is in familiar territory. It does not feel intimidated by the films that have come before it, it merely knows what it wants to be and knows of a good angle to give that thrill to audiences. I'd say that for the film it is and you know what you are in for when you see this, this is worthwhile and entertaining. I'd never thought I'd say this, but it's a FULL-PRICE! I enjoyed the hell out of it!
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