Monday, July 13, 2009

Harry Potter and the Half-Blood Prince REVIEW!

Harry Potter in the past few years since this engrossing series has debuted, it has become one of the most well-known story arcs of this generation. Harry Potter is a global phenomenon. J.K Roweling has in fact created such memorable characters that charm both children and adults alike. It has become one of our most endearing and debated film adaptations to date. People argue about these films and what they left out, and the endless debates about how in the hell the 7th book will be adapted properly to film. The Harry Potter franchise has it's devotees and it's wild fan-base. I myself, wouldn't have called myself that. I didn't read the books. I just decided to sit down and see each film as it is. I started with the second film. I came late into the series, but as soon as I saw The Chamber of Secrets; I dug the franchise and I couldn't wait to check out the first film and see the next one! The Prisoner of Azakban was fantastic! Goblet of Fire was my favorite to date because it was both thrilling and it gave me some surprises. I thought that Order of The Phoenix was a bit of a misfire. I remember being at the Chicago test-screening for part 5 back in February and being disappointed. I waited till I saw the completed film in IMAX 3D and was still a bit disappointed because the series at that point had started to turn into "filler-films" until the next one, with no real conclusion.

Which brings us to this film. Overall, I felt that this film was better than the last Potter film. It definitely harkens back to the spirit of the third film where it was a more character-driven film. One of the things that struck to me about this series is that as the kids are growing, so is the stories. In the first film, it played most of the twists safely where you knew these kids weren't in any real danger, but it was still thrilling. That all went out the window with the forth film in which all bets were off! I was excited for that turn and dug the films more for it. As much as I didn't enjoy Order of the Phoenix, there were certain aspects that I loved about it that I'd wish they spent more time developing.  With all that said, this film feels like these stories are growing to be more adult and mature stories and it definitely should because it only makes sense to grow as these characters are growing with us.

The Plot of the film is very interesting in which Harry is delving deeper into the Death Eaters by way of following Malfoy's involvement in the group and going into some of the backstory of Voldemort's childhood and his stay at Hogwarts. The plot is very much a character driven piece with not too many action sequences. There is maybe only two action pieces in the whole film. Nothing really happens, but this isn't that type of film. This film is trying to tell a more introverted story and it's about how these characters are finding themselves by the choices they make that leads to what they will come to deal with later on in their lives, not just against Voldemort, but also with each other. The film to me is about choice and the repercussions that come along with that. So for myself, I enjoyed the plot.

Everyone in the film is as strong as they have been. The real standouts of this film is Hero Fiennes-Tiffin and Frank Dillane as the Voldemort/ Tom Riddle at ages 11 and 16 respectively. Young Tom's story is really the hook for this story. You watch the kid's performances and you look into their eyes, and you see the evil that they are more than capable of later on in their lives. Espiecally Hero Fiennes-Tiffin, because you read his performance and it you sense this kid is not one to be trusted for those few scenes he is in. Voldemort doesn't appear in the movie, but you feel his presence all throughout the film. They also clearly establish a tone for this film. This series of films are gettin progressively darker and mature. The structure of this film is simliar to some of the great sequels in which these characters are all put to the test and you see the change that has occured in them, especially in Harry. The last film felt more passive at times, but in this film by the end you see he is ready to take on the journey that lies ahead of him. Malfoy is also a good performance as his character gets a lot of screentime and you feel that he and Harry are both trying to live up to the image that have been pushed upon them. I got more of the sense that these two are very silmilar in nature as opposed to the previous films in which it seemed more like a rivalry. This is the rivalry gone sour. There is definitely a lot of meat on the bones of this story for sure. The visual effect sequences are still amazingly well done, but I can't really picture what sequences are going to use the IMAX 3D technology. This film seemed a bit anti-climatic with just action set pieces that occur way before the climax of the picture.

On to the negatives...

The pacing of this film was definitely off at times. There was definitely things that could have been cut down. This film runs at a two hours and thirty minute runtime and that can get a bit tendious at times. There is some interesting stuff happening, but it does feel a bit too long. Another big complaint that people had walking out of this screening was the fact that nothing happens. While I was fine with that because I know that there is going to be two more Harry Potter movies, this is definitely going to hurt the film because it leaves a weird taste in your mouth when the credits roll. You just feel as if you saw more filler film until Death Hallows part I comes out (which will be another filler film until part 2 comes out) I know that by the time the next film rolls out, they will have to stop holding back and really let this series go out with a bang. I was with this film halfway in and then it started to drag. 

Some of the character relations seem a bit forced at times. The love stories between both Ron and Harmonie and Harry and Ginny's relationship seemed a bit forced. It seems as if Ron and Harmonie built up their relationship to where it could work, but how it happened just seemed a bit off. Harry and Ginny's relationship seemed to have happened too fast for myself. I felt as if there was no real lead up to it and that it happened simply because it happened in the book.

I can see why the first test screenings for this film had such a negative response, but I wouldn't call this movie a bad one. Overall, I did have enjoy the film for what it was, but I know a lot of filmgoers are going to be left a bit disappointed, but the fans will eat this film up! For myself, I'd give it a MATINEE! I enjoyed it more than part 5, but I hope in part 7 Harry goes all out. What I am enjoying about this film is the promise of what is to come in future films. This was a good character piece, but this is a set up for part seven. That film is going to pick up where this one leaves off and I want to see that story!

Till Next Time guys, heres my two cents!

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