Sunday, July 12, 2009


Hey guys! I thought that to mark the one year anniversary release date of a little film called THE DARK KNIGHT, I'd post up the original written review of the film! As most of you guys know this is one of my all-time favorite films! With this said. Hope ya enjoy the review!

OH MY GOD!!! THIS MOVIE WUZ FLAWLESS!!! God this film has some fuckin balls to go where no other comic books films go to. Christopher Nolan completely outdoes himself and both technical and artistically. Where do I begin?

Story: The story-line is fittingly complex in terms of how to progress a story like this. Chris, J, and David Goyer all delved straight into the ideas of what a vigilante could do in the real world in terms of what could happen and how the public and the criminals react to Batman. The biggest theme that stood out for me was the theme of escalation. Everything having to get worse before it gets better is a key theme to how the Batman can inspire the people of Gotham to do things to take their city back. I thought the plot twists that occur in the film were definitely credible, especially with the arc with Harvey Dent and it doesn't feel like a cheat when you watch the last act unfold. Another bit that impressed me was that they actually brought conflict to the character of Bruce Wayne more than Batman. One thing that people tend to forget about the Batman films is that it's a story about Bruce Wayne and we need that emotional connection. Not to mention that the action scenes completely outdo anything that was done in the original film. Another thing I was worried with this film was the amount of time we get to invest in a character. The problem with Tim Burton's Batman
was that Batman wasn't even the star of his own film and that Jack Nicholson overshadowed
Batman in every scene. In this film, it seems as if The Joker, Batman, and Harvey Dent all have as equal amount of screen-time and they are developed enough as characters that they seem well defined. This film has quite a lot of action, but they all work as a storytelling device. Bigger explosions just aren't gonna do it, there has to be something fresh brought to the story or there is no reason to continue the Batman mythos. Overall fantastic story line that is about the progression of a man who has attained power the first time and the struggles and repercussions that comes with that power.

Acting: The acting in this film is certainly above par!

Christian Bale once again does the fantastic job of portraying the conflicted Bruce and he brings a lot of to the table and he gives a clear definition to how this Bruce Wayne is struggling with the anarchy that the Joker brings to the film. Also this film brings out the more Detective aspects of Batman and how he has to use all his skills to stop all the villains in the film. Its another great performance overall and he's as good as Batman and Bruce Wayne as ever. The supporting cast of Gary Oldman, Michael Caine, and Eric Roberts all are great in the roles. Maggie Gyllenhaal also did a great job as Rachel Dawes and she brings a toughness and a emotional core to the film that really makes her character pay off in this film.
Aaron Eckhart as Harvey Dent is a great addition to the cast of this film. A lot of people are overshadowing his performance since Heath Ledger's Joker has been gettin alot of positive buzz (Which I'll get into later), but I think Eckhart brings a fantastic characterization in the role of Harvey Dent and his story is so tragic and so relatable that the audience can certainly buy his "transition" later on in the last few acts of the film. I think he did a great job with Harvey overall and I was certainly surprised by his ability to really play the more aggressive nature of his character in the later acts of the film. Overall He delivers as great of a performance as Heath did in the film.

Now for the One you all been waiting for...

Heath Ledger as The Joker.

Is Heath Ledger worthy of an Oscar Nomination?...

Bottom Line: YES!

From the technical aspects of the performance, Heath was incredible. He has done something with The Joker that is more in tune with what the earlier comics were trying to do with the character where he started off as a sadistic psychopath. He tuned in and gave us a interpretation that is the best of any on-screen Joker ever performed. Heath plays it so different, textured that he inhabits the role and you don't think for a second he is onscreen that it is Heath....HE IS THE JOKER. He's like the shark in Jaws, he has a few scenes and each one of them is fantastic and its a riveting performance because its not a Heath Ledger role per se', and that he dives right into it and makes this character terrifying, disturbing, and Iconic. it's definitely the role that will launch Heath Ledger into legendary status. This film is certainly a tribute to his acting
ability and I do believe whole-heartedly that he should at least get nominated for the Oscar for Best Supporting Actor for this role. Overall, Heath Ledger takes the Joker to his own and outdoes all the previous Jokers with an Iconic re-interpretation that will stand as one of the most menacing on-screen villains in not only comic book films, but in film history.

Overall, the film is an emotional powerhouse and it just knocks you right out with each plot twist as it unfolds and it becomes a drama much less a comic-book movie. This movie is everything a Batman sequel should be. It stands alone as is my favorite of any comic book adaptation ever made. It is the Empire Strikes Back or The Godfather Part II of all comic book based films! With this said, GO SEE THE MOVIE!!! BEST MOVIE OF THE YEAR!!! IT DEFINITELY DOES NOT DISAPPOINT IN ANY RESPECTS!!!!! GO CHECK IT OUT!!!! FANTASTIC FILM!!!!!

PS: I would
reccomend checking this film out in IMAX first because the huge frame of that enormous screen is put to well use in a manner that just feels like a great roller coaster! Definitely a memorable movie going experience!

Posted: July 16th, 2008

Post Reaction to the Film:

Heath Ledger won the Oscar and Dark Knight got snubbed at the oscars for a number of other awards. I called it that he should get nominated and I'm so glad he won. This is a character that will not only holf up to future Batman/Joker fans, this is definitely a memorable performance. Nobody I know today refers to Heath as that guy from Brokeback, he's The Joker. He definitely etched his name into cinema history with this role. I think if he was still with us, then making the third film would definitely be a no-brainer, but there has been talks that Nolan isn't even interested in a third film anymore and that he is done with the franchise. If so, god bless him and good luck on Inception!

Meanwhile...Dark Knight has had raving reviews! It has become the 2nd highest grossing film in the United States with a whooping 533 Million Dollars!! Im so glad this film did so well because it shows that quality will still get money in Hollywood as movies have been progressively hyping only to under-deliver to the fans and this film didn't disappoint!

I, myself still can't stop talking about this film. Working at the theaters last summer; this was my personal Vietnam! Lots of sleepless and late nights dedicated to serving popcorn and drinks to the audience. It was all worth it! I love this film!
If ya havent seen it, go check it out! I haven't come across one person that said this movie wasn't good! You owe it to yourself to give it a chance. If ya seen it, check it out again!

Heath Ledger we all miss ya still! Especially all of us who made The Joker the most worn male halloween costume of to Sarah Palin for female costume ha ha ha!

Till Next time folks!

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