Tuesday, January 19, 2010

The Book of Eli REVIEW!

A solid Post-apocalyptic movie! It's a fun thrill ride! This film is a harken back to the old classic post-apocalyptic films of the 70's, while also being a film that is a traditional Samurai film. Denzel plays a badass like usually! While of course the religious themes are present in the film, it doesn't beat you over the head with them. I dug the film as an alternative apocalyptic films of today. While it does take place in that world, the world doesn't overwelm the story and the story is actually solid. The 3rd act of the film has a great twist, but it doesn't drag the film at all. In fact it almost makes the film and Denzel that much more awesome. In terms of the acting Denzel is the best. Gary Oldman is as hammy in the role as he is called to be, but he's a fun villain to watch, Mila Kunis was ok, but she doesn't drag the film down. Overall, a surprisingly good film and a good time. I'd say it's a solid FULL-PRICE!

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